The terminology we call 'heart' doesn't physically exist in heart, it is part of brain. There was, has been and will be arguments about it. But I will try and address it as far as my limited 'book' knowledge and my thinking. As we all know, everything we think is thought in the brain. So, the 'mind' is just our everyday way of saying the 'brain'.
Whenever we are experiencing any feelings (say fear, love) our heart tends to beat fast as it is initiator of our carrying agent, blood. So we feel more in heart than any other part of the body, it doesn't mean that heart is origin of everything. So it is quite dumb to say heart is the starting point of thoughts, feeling or motivation. We have enough proof for it, thanks to no. of experiments conducted by humans on humans.
There are also many arguments that every cell in our body has a memory called cellular memory, they haven't been proved yet, and there exists no hint memory space in our cells, so we can brand those arguments hypothetical. So as far as the development of science today, it is fairly safe to say, brain is the starting point of feelings. I shall write more about the origin of feelings and mind in my later blogs.