Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Good enough - I got some reviews... :D...!!!

I got some reviews for my earlier post. Some good, some neutral, nothing bad and some to improve that thought. I would like to highlight two of the thoughts from my friends Prashant Bacchewar and Hariprasad Govardhanam, which made me think a lot.
Let me explain the first one, Prashant asked me that “Do India has less job opportunities?” He also pointed out an example saying “We cannot find people to work in the farms.”
His argument was 100% perfect. So a part of 80% of people who are BPL is there because of their fault. Let us try to improve their attitude. We can help the other part of people who are trying hard, and who need some helping hand.
And the second thought was “How do you want to help them? Is it materialistic or in some other way?” This was asked by Hari. And his thought was “This dependence (the help given), if furnished, will only make them more dependent. We should encourage people to let them understand that they can improve themselves”
I felt that his argument was good. But just to add upon that “For the people who have basic amenities, the above would be a right thing to do. But for the people who don’t even have good food to eat, will this be a good thing to do? Let us feed them first, bring them to a position from where they can think about improving themselves. I don’t feel this would be crippling them by any means”
Money and material wouldn’t help anybody directly. In fact, it would increase the dependency. Money and materials spent in right way would be of great help for those 80% of people. One of the possible ways is to give education. And that’s why my ambition is to start an educational institution to the nation. This would be my returns to the nation which gave me everything.

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